Monday, April 7, 2014

A Word Of Encouragement To Writers

Life is full of stories.  We are all story tellers.  A writer is someone who writes them down.  Not always to be published.  But because it is a way of crafting words.  A writer writes down words, because we must.  Whether poetry, story, lyric, essay, journal, editorial or blog...whatever form the written words take...for whatever purpose they serve, no matter the label we put to the words, we do this because we must.  These words we write are not ours alone.  They are thoughts from the collective which we all receive, and if we are of a certain temperament, we are inspired to write them down, as we individually interpret them.  We do not create them.  But we craft them in a certain fashion, and in so doing, we are deeply touched by them.

I was inspired to post this here because we have met so many writers (I refuse to use the word 'aspiring' because either you write or you don't) through Pegana Press, and I sometimes hear people expressing discouragement.  For whatever reason you write, please continue to do it.  If it brings you joy, then write to experience the joy of it.  If it tortures you on some level, then write to express that.  In it's expression, you will experience a level of transformation by the very act of writing it down.  Don't compare your form of expression to another.  Only continue to hone your own skill by constantly writing words on whatever you can find to express them.  Do it because you are a writer.


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