Sunday, June 30, 2024

News From the Press


We recently received back from the binder another batch of Annals Of The Jinns by R. H. Barlow.  This was cause for great celebration as we began sending those books out to fulfill the last of our preorders.

If you aren’t familiar with this work of Barlow’s, I would like to include a quote from Lin Carter which appeared in Kingdoms of Sorcery in 1976.

“…for these fables are exquisite dark miniatures, like tiny cameos carved in onyx.”

Like all Pegana Press Books, This is a limited edition typeset by hand.  Which means (since we don’t use print blocks for a page) that each letter and space on each page is set into a composing stick and then placed carefully in the press bed.  Once that page is printed, the type is taken out of the press and each letter is taken out and used to create the next printed page, as the process begins anew.

The Table of Contents shows an intriguing list of titles.

To see this book on the website please click the link below.

Annals Of The Jinns at Pegana Press

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